Chiropractic Care For The Elderly: The Key To Healthy, Independent Senior Living?

The older we grow, the more wear and tear our bodies suffer, and the less we’re able to cope with normal stresses. We begin to face some unique health issues, from joint pain and stiffness to inflammation. It should come as a relief that chiropractic care is specially tailored to address some of these problems. Let’s see how senior citizens stand to benefit from this wonderful therapy.

senior living care

Pain Relief

Chronic pain has been a thorn-in-the-flesh for seniors for so long that it’s now accepted as part of getting older. In particular, about 25% of people aged 65 and older suffer from back, neck, and head pain that cannot be attributed to any underlying illness.

In such cases, the pain is usually a result of abnormalities that develop in the soft tissue surrounding the spine as one grows older. And it’s just these kinds of disorders that chiro therapy was developed for in the first place. Doctors of Chiropractic (DCs) are trained to apply special adjustments that eliminate these abnormalities, along with any problems they might have caused elsewhere. All without introducing any unpleasant side effects, as is the case with standard painkillers. If anything, high-quality chiropractic care actually reduces one’s reliance on these drugs. 

Better Balance and Coordination

Only after you reach a certain age will you start to appreciate the ability to maintain your balance and coordination. Both aspects are controlled by a set of receptors located at the base of the cervical spine. Like other parts of the body, these receptors gradually grow weaker as we get older — although their function can also be impaired by injury. 

There’s evidence to suggest that stimulation provided through chiropractic adjustments may help in bringing the receptors back in shape. This subsequently leads to improved proprioception or the ability to keep track of body movements and limb positioning. Chiropractic further improves the effectiveness of these receptors by streamlining communication along the spine. 

Improved Range of Motion

Besides alleviating pain, chiropractic adjustments can correct other spinal issues that affect mobility. This enhances the range of motion not just along the spine, but also on the limbs and other extremities. If you (or a senior you know) struggle with impaired mobility, chiro therapy is well worth a try.

But how exactly would elderly individuals benefit from improved mobility? It largely depends on the kind of life you live day-to-day, but let’s just highlight a few illustrations: 

Being able to tend to your garden once again. 

Going up/down a flight of stairs will no longer be a torturous ordeal. 

No more having to make excuses when your grandkids want to play with you. 

As you can see, chiropractic care can greatly improve the quality of life for mobility-impaired seniors.

Improved Joint Health

Regular chiropractic treatments will help maintain proper joint movement and function. Movement is particularly crucial for joints; it facilitates the delivery of nutrients and waste removal. By restoring motion, chiro therapy minimizes the risk of developing adhesions and inflammatory issues.

Just to demonstrate how effective chiropractic is, the arthritis foundation recommends it as a practical solution for those who prefer non-invasive treatment. Not to suggest that only arthritic patients can benefit either; chiro can address the degenerative changes that precipitate the condition. And as the adage goes, a stitch in time saves nine.

Reduced Incidence of Falls and Injury

Well, this is pretty much self-explanatory: When you’re able to move your body without inhibition and maintain your balance, the likelihood of suffering a tumble goes down significantly. And that’s quite the substantial relief for elderly citizens. 

Statistics from the CDC indicate that falls are responsible for nine out of every ten fractures sustained yearly by individuals aged 65 and older. A fall may also put the spine — and consequently, the receptors we mentioned earlier — in harm’s way. That translates to more broken bones down the line as a result of impaired balance/coordination.

Chiropractic care averts this vicious cycle by improving proprioception, mobility, and joint health. Your DC will further prescribe dietary guidelines and exercise routines to keep your body in shape.

Improved Wellbeing 

More than just addressing anomaly, chiropractic care aims to help your body function at its best. It’s particularly effective in boosting immune function; one study showed a 200% improvement among adults who had regular chiropractic sessions over a 5-year period. Your chiro will also enlighten you on how to make the right decisions towards improving overall health and wellness. 

Reduced Dependence on Senior Care Services

Again, this is rather obvious. Why would you rely on a caregiver or confine yourself to a facility when you’re no longer bound by the vagaries of age? When you’re no longer in pain or at risk of falling and suffering injury? Unless there’s another compelling need, you might as well take care of yourself!

It might sound like conjecture, but the potential for chiropractic care to keep seniors out of care facilities has actually been confirmed in a study. The study, comprised of subjects with an average age of 80, revealed that chiro encourages physical activity among the elderly, in addition to lowering the risk of arthritis. After a 3-year evaluation period, only 5 percent of chiropractic recipients had checked themselves into nursing homes, a stark contrast compared to the 48% of non-recipients who’d done so. Chiropractic care could very well be the key to healthy, independent living in advanced age.

What Type Of Arthritis Can Chiropractic Care Provide Relief For?

Arthritis is a generic term for conditions that are characterized by swelling, soreness, and diminished mobility on one or more joints. With symptoms that typically worsen as one gets older, arthritis is one of the leading causes of age-related disability. The good news is that chiropractic care has shown great promise in managing a number of arthritic disorders. Let’s highlight a few examples.

wrist arthritis

Osteoarthritis (OA)

By far, the most prevalent form of arthritis, osteoarthritis, is a degenerative condition that results from the normal wear and tears that joints suffer from age. The cartilage that separates adjoining bones is abraded to a point where it’s practically non-existent. Once this cushion wears out, the joint is bound to suffer more friction, leading to loss of mobility and pain.

OA generally affects large weight-bearing joints: shoulders, hips, knees, hands, and, more commonly, the spine. Its impact can be mitigated to some extent through positive lifestyle changes like losing weight and exercise. But if you want nothing less than effective relief, chiropractic is your best bet. Chiropractic care for OA includes special adjustments that reduce friction around the affected joint(s), in addition to restoring alignment. Your DC could also administer additional therapies to alleviate the pain caused by the loss of cartilage.

Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA)

Though not nearly as prevalent as OA, psoriatic arthritis can be more debilitating than the former. That’s because it consolidates two inflammatory disorders; psoriasis and arthritis. Patients experience the skin abnormalities associated with psoriasis, along with “standard” arthritic symptoms like joint pain and stiffness.

Chiropractic care is quite effective in addressing the inflammation that often triggers PsA. But individuals who have the full-blown condition can also benefit nonetheless. Chiropractic adjustments can help in restoring circulation around affected joints, in addition to improving nerve communication. This should provide relief from soreness, swelling, and other inflammatory symptoms.

For what it’s worth, your chiropractor will only perform adjustments after examining your condition. You’ll hardly be subjected to any uncomfortable treatments. Furthermore, your DC will recommend dietary improvements to keep you clear of foods that might have aggravated your symptoms in the past.

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)

Much like PsA, rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder, a condition where an overactive immune system attacks the body’s own healthy tissues. RA is the result of the immune system attacking the synovium (a thin membrane that lines joints). This leads to a buildup of fluid within the joint, which in turn results in soreness and other unbearable symptoms.

Now, while rheumatoid arthritis doesn’t have a cure as yet, chiropractic therapy can help mitigate its impact on one’s life in several ways:

  • Optimizing nervous system function: Chiropractic adjustments have proven effective in streamlining communication along the spinal cord and other elements of the nervous system. Although this doesn’t specifically address immune malfunction, it helps in eliminating anomalies that may trigger an unnecessary response.
  • Restoring mobility: Nothing beats chiro therapy when it comes to tackling mobility problems around joints. Regular sessions with your DC will prevent the loss of joint function, and could very well put you in a position to move around freely once again.
  • Alleviating inflammation: As highlighted before, chiropractic adjustments can address the inflammatory processes that play a key role in the worsening of rheumatoid arthritis.

In a nutshell, chiropractic care can be the key to a less inhibited, more bearable, and more fruitful life for individuals suffering from arthritis. Get in touch with a qualified doctor of chiropractic in your location if you’re interested.